Refund Policy

  • Refund: A refund or exchange will only be issued if the item is received to you in damaged condition. Please ensure that you inspect your order upon delivery and notify us immediately if there are any damages. To qualify for a refund, you must provide clear video of the damaged item and raise the return request within 24hours days of receipt. Once the damaged item is received and inspected, we will promptly process your refund / exchange as per your choice.
  • How to Request a Refund: To initiate a refund, please drop us a mail at with your order details as well the evidence of damage. Once your request is approved, we will provide instructions on how to return the item to us.
  • Processing Refunds: Once we receive and inspect the returned item, we will process your refund. The refund will be credited to your original method of payment within 15 business days. You will receive a confirmation email once the refund has been processed.
  • Non-Refundable Items: Certain items may not be eligible for a refund, such as custom-made or personalized products. Please check the product description for any specific terms before making a purchase.

If you have any questions or concerns about our Shipping and Refund Policy, please contact us at:

These Policies is designed to ensure a smooth and hassle-free experience for our customers. Your satisfaction is our priority, and we are committed to providing excellent service.

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